Series of publications of
Stiftung Bremer Dom e.V.

Christian Kämpf / Arne Langer

Carl Reinthaler - Zwischen Orgelempore und Orchestergraben

Band 7, ISBN: 978-3-7961-1156-3, Bremen, 2022

Peter Ulrich

Ein Engel niest: Heiteres aus dem Leben eines Pastors

Band 6, ISBN-13: 978-3-7961-1123-5
Bremen, 2021

Hiram Kümper / Dieter Wegener

Ernst Ehrhardt – Dombaumeister
Ein Architektenleben zwischen Preußen und Bremen

Band 5, ISBN: 978-3-8378-1061-5, Bremen,  2022

Lydia Niehoff

Das Geheimnis des Glücks: Die Diakonie der St. Petri Domgemeinde Bremen

Band 4, ISBN-13: 978-3960470298
Bremen, 2017

Götz Ruempler

Die Bremer Dom-Maus

Geschichte, Geschichten und “Mäuse-Latein”
Band 3, ISBN-13: 978-3-86108-540-0
Bremen, 2009

Detlev G. Gross (Hrsg.)

Pastoren in Bremen

Lebensbilder aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Band 2, ISBN-13: 978-3-86108-540-0
Bremen, 2007

Detlev G. Gross (Hrsg.) / Ingrid Weibezahn

Schätze aus dem Bremer St. Petri Dom

Ein Führer durch das Dom-Museum
Band 1, ISBN-13: 978-3-86108-540-0
Bremen, 2005

Cathedral archive and our library

Cathedral archive

Today's cathedral archive dates back to the founding of the constituted cathedral congregation in 1810. The main focus of the new cathedral archive is, apart from the church books, from 1900/1920, the administration of the cathedral property from about 1810, the accounting since 1800, construction files of the cathedral and the cathedral's own buildings and minutes of various cathedral committees, such as the cathedral's builders. The holdings of personnel files are insignificant; these files are essentially kept in the BEK archive. Worth mentioning is the plan archive with plans of the construction measures on the cathedral and other buildings from 1840 to the recent present; it is currently being processed.

The late medieval and modern (16th-18th centuries) archives, as far as they were located in Bremen, were taken away by the Swedes in 1648. The written legacy of the so-called Swedish period (1648 - 1713) was then kept in Stade as the capital of the Swedish duchies of Bremen and Verden, as well as that of the Danish (until 1719) and Electoral Hanoverian periods (until 1803). In Bremen, a new cathedral archive was created as a reflex to the government archive in Stade in the structural administration. This archive fell to Bremen in 1803 and came to the Bremen State Archives, where it can be found under the seal 2-T.3. Part of the holdings of the medieval cathedral archives found their way to Hanover via Stade, where a large part of them were burnt during the last war.


Library of the Dom-Museum

The library of Bremen Dom-Museum currently contains approx. 6,000 volumes. You can also search our holdings from home via our // Online-Katalog . An appointment is required for research in the library.


Press releases on the Bremen Dom-Museum

Press archive

The complete press archive with press articles from 5 decades // online.


Special exhibitions of the Bremen Dom-Museum

past exhibitions

The Dom-Museum's special exhibitions of the past // hier.

Head of the archive: Rita Stumper
Tel. 0421 - 33 47 142
or a

Appointments by telephone arrangement only

More publications

Ingrid Weibezahn

Zur Geschichte zweier Holzfiguren im Nordturm des St. Petri Doms zu Bremen

Ingrid Weibezahn

Das Bremer Gemälde „Martyrium des hl. Sebastian“

Ingrid Weibezahn

Die Geschichte zweier Altargemälde im Dom-Museum

Henrike Weyh

Das Taufgeschirr der Familie Emminghaus

Till Pawelek / Rita Stumper

The exhibits of the audio tour through the Bremen Dom-Museum in pictures

Audio tour for visitors who cannot climb stairs. Complete reading sample (DE/EN).

More museum material

The handouts from the museum rooms

Sorted by rooms. Here for download.